WordPress is one of the top blogging platform and many bloggers are using wordpress as a blogging platform. Today i,m going to tell you about top 5 wordpress plugins which help you when you are a beginner . Wordpress is not easy as blogger you have to add separate plugins for each functions but if you know that how to add plugins correctly and how to use them correctly then you become a pro blogger.
here's the list of top 5 plugins for WordPress which are better for beginners to start their blogging career with wordpress.
Top 5 WordPress plugins:
All in one seo pack is a really good plugin for beginners because it automatically optimize your blog post for search engine optimization. This will help you to get visitors to your blog from search engine. You only need to enter details about your post title, description and meta keywords that are related to your post .
Commentluv is a comment plugin which is installed in your comment system and whenever any user comment on your blog commentluv gives him a opportunity to add a link of his blog . peoples are always searching about commentluv enabled blogs so if you installed this plugin you can get high traffic to your blog.
Smush.it is a plugin which automatically optimize your images . Mean if you upload heavy sized image then it will automatically optimized by smush.it and it does not create any effect on your blogs loading time.
Google analytics is one of the most important plugins for wordpress because it will tell you about your user, that how many users visit your blog and how many of them are returned visitors and how many of them are unique visitors. So i really recommend to install it in your wp blog.
Tweetily is one of the most used plugin for wordpress because whenever you publish a post on your blog it will automatically tweet it in your twitter account so you dont need to manually tweet separate posts in your blog.
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